Word Verification
This should make most of you HAPPY: I have disabled word verification.
No longer will you have to enter a nonsensical group of letters like the above in order to post a comment on my blog. This should make all of you want to quit lurking (see Tangerine Tulips, my daughter Kristen's blog. According to her, a blurker is a blog lurker who doesn't comment. ) and instead click the comment button to EASILY publish you opinions! No hassles!!Of course there is the possibility that my blog & comment forum could be invaded by some hacker machine code, but for the time being I'll expose it to that risk for the convenience of my readers.
Yay! Except that there is a word verification for this comment. I think you forgot to turn it off.
Thank you for turning it off. I hate it. As I told Kristen. Does it really help keep the losers out??? Now please turn it off like you promised.
well heckfire. I thought I had turned it off. It *is* really annoying. I'll try again.
It is off! Yay! Now I can comment all day. I'm going to turn mine off too.
Incidentally, this shouldn't open you up to all kinds of spam. I don't know what technique Blogger uses, but I implemented a similar technique on Mom's old blog. It's called invisible word verification. When you submit a comment the submit button embeds a code that the server looks for and if it isn't there the comment is filtered out as spam. It works because spamming engines aren't capable of seeing that code without clicking that button - instead they take a shortcut.
Speaking of comments- I LOVE your coments on my blog! You add great insight!
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